Our story

Kia Ora, I’m Violet, founder of Tree Children. I’d love to share a bit of the story behind how it all began.

The idea came from my own journey of discovering nature’s profound benefits for well-being - both for myself and my child. During the challenges of COVID, I found peace and happiness in nature, and I saw how frequent nature adventures made my child grow - as he became more courageous, curious, resilient, and independent.

Witnessing the powerful effect of nature, I became passionate about sharing this experience with other families and helping children flourish through deeper connections to the natural world. 

I wanted to create something that wouldn’t just teach kids about nature but help them truly engage with it - through guided outdoor adventures, learning about native trees, and making crafts from natural materials. I also wanted to support parents who might not have the time or resources to plan activities, by providing easy-to-follow guidance and sustainable materials. 

In winter 2024, I created the first Tree Children Box, featuring five activities focused on native tree learning, outdoor exploration, and nature-based crafts. While the product is still in its early stages and has plenty of room for improvement, it has already received wonderful support from local parents and even earned the Emerging Product Award from Christchurch’s Smart City Challenge. Our goal is to continue refining the box and offer more of them, ideally releasing a new box every month, each filled with seasonal, engaging activities to inspire kids and families alike. 

Through Tree Children, my hope is that kids will not only develop a greater sense of wonder and innovative problem-solving skills, but also gain a deeper appreciation for the world around them, fostering a lifelong connection with nature.

Thank you so much for reading! I truly appreciate it. Please don’t hesitate to reach out (violet@treechildren.co.nz) if you’d like to share your own journey with nature or if you have any ideas or suggestions for us. And if you’ve already tried one of our boxes, I’d be incredibly grateful to hear your thoughts on how we can improve!

Yours sincerely,

Violet Lin Fan